
Please note, fees are invoiced at the beginning of each month for a 4 or 5 week period depending on the length of the month. Fees are payable by Direct Debit only. Please contact the Centre Coordinator for our fee schedule.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
Child Care Subsidy is provided to eligible families to assist with the cost of childcare. Brighton Beach ELC and Brighton ELC are approved centres with the Department of Education (Commonwealth) and will collect the child care subsidy payments on behalf of families and pass the subsidies by way of fee reductions on the daily child care fees. This will be reflected on your invoices with the breakdown of CCS and GAP payments to make up your total child care cost.
To be eligible for the child care subsidy, your child must attend Brighton Beach ELC or Brighton ELC, be aged 6 months to 6 years, meet residency and immunisation requirements.
The amount of child care subsidy depends on your circumstances, including your family’s income, the hourly rate cap and the hours of activity you and your partner undertake.
We encourage all families prior to booking your child to follow the steps below to ensure there are no delays in accessing your child care subsidy. Should your circumstances change during your time with us, please notify your centre co-ordinator.
How to Apply for Child Care Subsidy
1. Create a MyGov account
Ensure all personal details are correct
Primary carer and child’s CRN
Date of Births for primary carer and child
CRN for primary carer (*details must be for parent linked with the Child’s CRN)
2. Have all your supporting documentation ready
Follow prompts to complete the activity test
3. Track your claim to see whether you are eligible for the entitlements
Once your booking is made with Brighton Beach ELC or Brighton ELC, a CCS enrolment will be created for you by the respective centres. We suggest you make this as soon as you know the days of care you need
You must go into your MyGov account and confirm the enrolment
Follow this link to complete all the necessary steps.
Please contact your centre co-ordinators if you need assistance: